Dermatox Anti-Wrinkle Review

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Dermatox is a skin wellness formula designed to cure a long list of ailments. According to its manufacturers, from head to toe, the product has something for every part of your body, including a moisturizing lotion and a pore-refining toner. The producers claim that their natural crystal formula and unique manufacturing process create a product which will soothe, invigorate, and improve the appearance of your skin. But are these claims valid at all?

What is Dermatox?

Dermatox Anti Wrinkle Reviews

Through regular use of Dermatox products, the manufacturers say you will experience:

Dermatox Ingredients

The active ingredient for Dermatox is a proprietary mineral blend designed to make a unique compound called Zincboracyl Crystal. There is little scientific knowledge about this unique crystal formula, and the company which sells Dermatox considers the information to be a closely guarded secret. Whether this is because it is truly effective or truly ineffective remains to be seen.

Dermatox also contains beta hydroxy acids, commonly referred to as salicylic acid. BHAs are a common yet effective ingredient in many skin care products because of their ability to exfoliate dead skin cells both on the surface of your skin and deep down within the top layer of the epidermis.

Dermatox Concerns And Side Effects

While searching for Dermatox, especially if you are looking on the internet, there may be some name confusion which might lead to a surprising result or two. According to one medical website, Dermatox is the name of a hemorrhoid cream. Additionally, other internet review pages claim that Dermatox has recently changed its name to NuDerma or Dermatox SC. Simply searching for "Dermatox", however, usually directs you to a website with the "miracle crystal" product.

In regards to side effects, the beta hydroxyl acids present in the Dermatox formula have a few. This ingredient has been reported to cause mild skin irritation for some people, as well as heightening your skin's sensitivity to sun exposure. To avoid this, it might be a good idea to pair Dermatox with a strong SPF sunscreen. Also, as is usual for those with sensitive skin, be sure to test Dermatox on a small portion of the skin prior to regular use.

Overall Dermatox Review

All though some online vendors report a discontinuation of various Dermatox products, it is still possible to order from certain outlets. The products can be purchased for about the same price as a steak dinner at a nice restaurant, but you may find a better price if you go through alternate sellers.

Dermatox makes several lofty claims about its products, but with very little hard science to back it up. While it is understandable that the manufacturers want to keep their "proprietary blend" a secret in order to avoid unfair competition, the lack of scientific information about Dermatox seems to be a cause for concern, especially for those who are watching their money. The most beneficial part of their formula for wrinkle prevention might just be the beta hydroxy acids, but these ingredients are by no means unique to Dermatox, and can be found in other products.

Dermatox may help your skin fight wrinkles, but are you curious about how it ranks when compared to other anti-wrinkle products? Check out our wrinkle cream comparison chart to find out more!

How does Dermatox compare?

All information is accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication.

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